Wednesday, 26th, 2025 | 6:35PM Updated

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Securing phone with password lock is not anything new; however, the latest flaw in Android edition phone is that it provides an easy access to hack phone passwords.
Google Patches 23 Bugs In Monthly Android Update

Google Hosts Its Annual I/O Developers Conference
BlackBerry Priv To Get Android 6.0 In 2016

Android monthly security patches ensures the devices are protected against the latest security flaws.
Google Releases New Android Patches For Critical Vulnerabilities

Android 6.0
Google To Roll Out Android 6.0 Marshmallow on Oct. 5

Google names its new Android system Marshmallow
Google Android Update: M is for Marshmallow

Motorola Moto G (1st Gen)
Moto G 2013, 2014 Will not Receive Android 5.1.1 OS Update?

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