• The scene with LED lights in “Stranger Things”

The scene with LED lights in “Stranger Things” (Photo : YouTube/MRC Second Channel)

As "Stranger Things" has landed with a hit first season on Netflix, fans have been buying a huge amount of multicolored LED lights at the store B&Q after being inspired by it.

LED lights used in a particular scene in "Stranger Things" are causing people to buy them in increasing numbers. As the demand for the lights have mounted, the retailer B&Q which specializes in supplies used for self made projects has been stating that nearly 90 percent of their stock has already been sold.

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Demand for the LED lights has been skyrocketing over the past few weeks and in the run up to the Christmas season reported The Sun. Much of the interest in the LED lights which are usually popular during the holidays has been sparked by the show "Stranger Things", in which Joyce Byers played by actress Winona Ryder uses them to contact another dimension.

In the show Byers has to contact the upside down dimension that is populated by nightmarish situations because her son is missing and she is trying to locate him. To do this she uses LED Christmas lights to message her son and since then this particular scene has inspired a lot of copy cats.

As the popularity of this show has grown, many have dressed up as the character named Eleven for Halloween, and now during the holidays the lights are being used as a prop for parties. This increased demand for the multicolored lights and their continued shortage have resulted in customers leaving messages within B&Q stores that they cannot be used to contact the upside down dimension.

Also a B&Q spokesman Mike Norton, while acknowledging that the LED lights are popular because of the show has reiterated that they cannot be used to contact any parallel dimension. His statement also humorously indicated that the store is not responsible for any damage created by the Demogorgon that resides in the dimension. However, the popularity of the show its characters and main premise do seem to have helped its chances of renewal and a second season of nine episodes has been picked up by Netflix, reported NME.

However, at B&Q the LED lights are continually selling out as soon as they hit the shelves and with "Stranger Things" gathering more fans this trend is likely to continue over the holidays. 

Joyce Byers played by actress Winona Ryder uses LED lights in "Stranger Things"